Yeah, things gets more and more different as we grow up you know. I don't know if my baby will be my future husband. But we can plan our future. Its not gonna be easy. Yesterday night, I suddenly went into deep thoughts. Thinking of me and baby's future. Will we last? Things are gonna be so different when we go for further studies. And especially Polytechnic. Yeah, he is older than me by one year old. Means, he will go Polytechnic before me as we are from the same stream. Life in Polytechnic is so much different from life in a Secondary School. Imagine next year I will be mugging for my O and having this thing called SSP almost everyday, how do I juggle between my relationship and studies. I really have no idea. Even now, he is having SSP every single day. I may be able to wait for him everyday now because we are in the same school. How about next time, he wouldn't have the time to wait for me. And this will all cause this thing called "fade feelings" I'm really scared. I love him alot. I won't want to leave him. Neither do I want him to leave me. But as you look far ahead, there is still so much to go. Are we able to make through all these obstacles? I really hope we do. )':
Last week, 300711 was our one year anniversary. I'm glad we made it so far, and this is my first relationship. Its so successful. I definitely hope that he will be my first and last. We went back to old times. Heading to HBF to have McDonalds'. I was so happy to be with him! (: Sadly, we didn't go for cable car. )': I had to rush home early cos it was the start hungry ghost month. ): But, we still had fun together! Special thanks to Huimin and Cass for surprising us with the macarons! <3
{Those bitches that thought that we wouldn't last, we lasted for so long, how about you bitches? Changing your attitude still? Forget it la. Don't bother to.}
This few days, I've been studying a lot. And I hope it will all pay back. I will continue working hard. So far, passed all my tests except for Geog Test. ): Failed by one mark and its careless mistake.

There's another test that I failed was Social Studies SEQ. I don't have anything to regret. I deserve it. I didn't work hard. I didn't study. But I DEFINITELY WANT TO RANT SOMETHING HERE. Damn fucking pissed with this bitch. Don't wanna mention names. I'm just being nice and not coward. Becareful of people around you, they are not always good. Especially some bitches. I didn't wanted to scold vulgarities. But she's way too much and pisses everyone off. I've got a list of things that she have done:
- Sabotaging friendships/relationships [Example: causing unnecessary troubles when it is not needed at all, trying to be nice and bad at the same time.]
- Show off how good she is [Example: she has got GSA Gold and she tried to paiseh those that don't have anything to get (not even silver)]
- Take people's work without permission [Example: bringing people's revision worksheet home and say she forget to return when she know that there's test the following day.]
- Bootlick teachers/seniors [Example: go kaypoh when wasn't needed at all.]
I'm done with my list. You may not believe what I have said. But its all fact. I don't take you as someone that exist anymore.
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